About Tonya Gray, M.S., M. A., LPCA

Welcome to Tonya’s Office

No More Doubting or Denying.

You have been wondering about whether there may be someone who can help you, someone who can help your child. You’ve gotten the school phone calls, you’ve seen the defiance at times and you know the ways that you’ve struggled with their behavior. 

But what most people don’t see is the beautiful heart of your child. The fact that they can be very sensitive and loving, the reality of the very difficult time they are experiencing. And the truth that your child is just trying to find their way through, attempting to find the best ways to explore and express themselves.

Your pre-teen or teenage child is in need of skills to communicate, positive outlets and patience as they try to figure this whole life thing out. As adults, we know how difficult this period of life can be and what a relief it would have been to finally feel understood. 

Be encouraged. The journey of hope, healing, and self-discovery begins here. You can finally take a deep breath, release and know that the opportunity for change that you’ve been desperately needing has arrived.

Deleting The Stigma.

Therapy (counseling) oftentimes comes with a negative stigma or people telling you to, “Suck it up, buttercup!” And sometimes, children will fight the idea of therapy tooth and nail, thinking that it will be another space where they will feel unaccepted and like they’re doing something wrong. This is why it is important to work with someone who is truly passionate about working with your child — someone with experience and with skills to help make your child feel seen and valued. Your child deserves someone that will help you to know that you matter! 

We all need someone else to guide us through difficult parts of our journey– we just don’t all have the courage that it takes to take action and get the help needed.

It would be my privilege to walk with you on your journey of healing, enlightenment, and self-preservation. 

I encourage you to take that deep breath – to start this journey, your journey – right now.

Call me today at (502) 333-9466 to make the first huge step in your journey of healing and discovering the best version of you and your best life.


About Me

Where there is hope, there is healing.

 I was born and raised pretty much all over the United States, as I was a “Military Brat.” I moved to Kentucky at 15 years of age. I fell in love with what the state has to offer and that people in the South do not seem to be in a hurry and seem to have a certain simplicity and happiness to their being.

I have worked in the mental health field for over 20 years. First starting in a local Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) working with at-risk-youth and their families providing case management services. From there I worked with adolescents and youth in Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) doing in-home therapy sessions, in-school sessions, and home and school visits. Then from there, I spent approximately 13 years providing in-school therapy to middle school and high school aged kiddos. I have also worked within the corrections system. 

Though I loved all of my experiences and encounters with various individuals, I must confess that the middle and high schoolers have always had my heart. In the 13 years of working with this population, I made it sort of a mission of mine to fulfill the adage of “Reach one, Teach one!” Why, you may ask… Because I feel that everyone needs someone. And far too often this age group seems to be misunderstood and/or written off as being a, “Bad” or a “lost Cause.” For me, this is anything but true. Where there is hope, there is healing.   

My goal is to be a beacon of hope and light into the lives of those that I have been fortunate enough to cross paths with…if even for a short time. 

Part of my passion is instilling hope, encouragement, light, and love into those that I come into contact with. Especially, into our youth. Just like adults, these kiddos need to know that THEY MATTER! And that they have options!

My work within the school system gave me a greater appreciation for how young people navigate through their journey through adolescence. There’s so many opportunities (too many if I am being real) to fall into the wrong path. So being firmly planted in a value-system and having an established sense of self became a must.

What I saw of the young people at the schools, created the desire for me to make sure that whatever individual (young or old) that I crossed paths with, knew that I saw them and that they mattered.  This passion and drive is what led me to the service of helping others, which in turn prompted me to continue my education in Psychology, Counseling, and Leadership.   

I knew that I wanted to invest in the lives of others and to be a guide for those on a journey of hope, healing, and self-discovery – no matter the exposure level of societal, familial, or relational toxicity.

So, if you are willing to start the journey of hope, healing, self-discovery, and practical approaches to caring for physical and mental well-being as well as the relationships– LETS GO!


Tonya Gray, M.S., M. A., LPCA

Licensed Professional Counselor Associate

Phone number: (502) 333-9466

Fax number:  (502) 754-4413


BS in Psychology, Austin Peay State University

MS Psychology, Tennessee State University

MA Professional Counseling, University of the Cumberlands

PhD Leadership, Counselor Education & Supervision, University of the Cumberlands (anticipated Graduation 2021)